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Designed for Backpacking Camper

Cleancy is a portable drinking and shower device for a backpacking camper. It will create water by absorbing humid air/form by MOFs. Users won't need to worry about not getting enough water for drinking and shower while backpacking anymore.



Cleancy is a portable drinking and shower device for a backpacking camper. It will create water by absorbing humid air/form by MOFs. Users won't need to worry about not getting enough water for drinking and shower while backpacking anymore.


My user group is a backpacking camper.

They normally take a long walk and bring as few things as possible, so they won't need to suffer for carrying.

They have a problem finding water for drinking because they usually bring a water filter with them and they always worry about if they can found a water source on the way for drinking.

They also have a showering problem. After several days of camping and walking, they sweat a lot and have a lot of dirt on them. They want to shower, but the current camping shower product is either too big to fit their bag or not suitable for backpackers.


Different Head for Different Environment.

A Head

Head use for a normal environment

Suitable for most of the climate. It creates water for a user by absorbing humid air.

B Head

​Head for a dry environment.

Suitable for a dry area such as a desert.




The humid air will be sucked into the inside of Cleancy by using the fan. It will go through the condenser and form water.


MOFs can be placed between a solar absorption unit and a condensing plate, the resulting device draws water from the air using only the sun's energy.


MOF Water Harvesting Machine
Shower Head
Water Condensation part
Iron Wire: 
Connect electricity among the head, solar panel and battery 
Solar panel: 
Power Source for create water
Rubber part: 
Being able to expand to fill more water
Texture is convex lens to enhance sunshine

Energy Flow

Cleancy gets power for solar through the solar panel on the back. It converses sunlight into electricity. When there is extra power left, the power will be safe into the battery in the bottom through the iron wire and can be used at night.

Energy Interact Point

User Instruction

User Problem Facing

Tel. 123-456-7890

Fax. 123-456-7890

500 Terry Francois Street, 
San Francisco, CA 94158


Dirty Skin

Crowded Bag

Drinking Crisis

During the long walk, the backpacking camper becomes dirty. They sweat a lot and become dusty. A quick shower is demanding for them.

Backpacking Camper tend to only bring a heavy backpack for backpacking because of the long and heavy walk. It makes their bag very crowded already and being hard to put more things in.

​Backpacking Camper tend to bring water filters while they start backpacking. It allows them to filter water for drinking. However, it can't filter all the bacteria and microorganisms and can still cause sickness.

Solution from Cleancy


Cleancy produces fresh water 24/7. The battery will save electricity from the solar panel and allow it to use at night. The water comes from humid air which is 100% safe to use.


Cleancy can be hung from the outside of the bag. The user won't need to worry if they need to fit it into their bag.


Because Cleancy works 24/7, it can constantly produce water. It can produce 0.5 liters/hour which can produce 12 liters per day ideally (Reference) and will allow people enough for drinking and showering.

Constantly Fresh Water Production

0 Space for Backpack

Enough Water for Drinking and Shower

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How many water is needed to do specific things?

Hand Holding Part Design

The hand-holding part is combined with plastic, rubber, and solar panel. I brain storm how each part combine with each other and design how the rubber part will fit people's hand when it expands.

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Shower and Drinking Function Design

Idea exploration of how to switch from shower and drinking function. 

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Building Process

Figure out the size and mechanic structure.

During the modeling process, I was trying different sizes and figuring out which size is suitable for holding, hanging, and amount of water to fit the product.

At the same time, to figure out how every mechanic structure works.

The other purpose is also to figure out the interaction part of mode switching between shower and drinking.

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