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During my school years and internship, I have learned a lot of skills and experience new things.

Following Skills Present

1. Wood Craft

2. Sketches


4.Fashion Design/Garment Structure

5.Shoe Design

6.Coding & Mechanic design

7. Carbon footprint & Product Sustainability Analysis (Cooperative Project: Justus Cheng, Betty Jin, Eunhey Ko)

Wood Craft

During my school years and internship, I have learned a lot of skills and experience new things.


As an industrial designer, I deeply know how important is out sketching skills. Because of that, I have practice lots during my school year and make my sketches as perfect as possible.


I have taken illustration classes during my school years. At the same time, I also do drawing to record my experience while I go traveling.

Fashion Design

Shoe Design

Coding and Machenic Design

Carbon Footprint & Product Sustainability Analysis (Cooperative Project: Justus Cheng, Betty Jin, Eunhey Ko)

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